Dropping a toothpaste cap down the drain is simply a bit of annoyance. Losing a piece of costume jewelry the same way can ruin your day. However, dropping your wedding ring down the drain is a catastrophe. Not only is there the financial loss of a valuable piece of jewelry, but the emotions associated with losing this important piece can be heartbreaking. Luckily, in many cases it is possible to get that ring back. If this happens to you, these steps can help you get that ring back on your finger where it belongs!
- Do NOT Run Water Down the Drain: Ideally, the ring will become lodged in one of the pipe bends. Running more water down the drain makes this less of a possibility. Turn off the water and do not run anything down the drain until you have proceeded. It’s also a good idea to cover the mouth of the drain with something to avoid anyone else running water while you grab the necessary tools and equipment.
- Place a Bucket Under the P-Trap: The P-Trap is the curved section underneath most drains. This is where the ring will be most of the time. Place a bucket underneath and a few towels too, since there may be some spillage involved.
- Check for an Access Plug: Newer pipes will often have an access plug on the P-Trap. This allows you to open the pipe without removing it altogether. The access plug is at the bottom of the P-Trap.
- Open the Plug or Unscrew the Pipe: If you can, simply remove the plug and drain the trap. If you have an older pipe, use a wrench to remove the pipe altogether. Let all the water and possible “gunk” drain out into your bucket.
- Check for Your Ring: Most of the time you will find that the ring (and possibly other items) are in the bucket after the water has drained out. Rinse it off and you will have your ring back on your finger.
- Replace the Plug or Pipe: After this, replace the plug or use a wrench to tighten the pipe back into place. Make sure you test to make sure it is secure and run a small amount of water through the pipe.
- Call a Professional: If at first you do not succeed, call in the experts. Do not feel like you are wasting a plumber’s time. This is all part of the job. An expert plumber may be able to do some extra tasks and find your ring even if you do not locate it by draining the P-Trap.
As you can see, retrieving a lost ring in your drain is not as difficult of a task as you might have thought. Follow these steps and hopefully you’ll have it back on your finger before your husband or wife finds out about your little accident.