Does Using Your Air Conditioning System Contribute to Global Warming?


Does Using Your Air Conditioning System Contribute to Global Warming?

Does Using Your Air Conditioning System Effect the Earth?

As the average temperature of the planet increases every single year, we homeowners start using our air conditioning Virginia Beach more and more often. So are we, somewhat ironically, heating up the outside environment more by using our air conditioning to blast cool air. The short answer? Yes. What’s happening in a nutshell is, whenever you turn on an air conditioner it’s releasing carbon into the atmosphere, and carbon is the element that insulates our entire planet and apparently is a major contributor to global warming. Unfortunately, according to the most recent studies, the problem is only going to get worse. It is indeed a viscous cycle: we seem to have warmed the planet, and yet the more air conditioning we have to use in order to stay cool and the more heating and air conditioning Virginia Beach we use the hotter our entire planet is getting.

Norfolk is only a few feet above sea level. The same is true about the rest of the urbanized Hampton Roads area, including Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton, Poquoson, Newport News, and Gloucester. To any reasonable tenant of these regions, this should be a bright red flag. To learn more about how global warming (and with it rise in sea level) effects the Hampton Roads region, Click Here.

If we look at the data gathered from these recent studies we can understand that the basic world temperature of the planet has increased by 1 degree in just the last century. Now that may sound like a small amount, but that one degree is a large change. Meteorologist believe that most of this global warming is caused by the release of carbon dioxide and other green house gases which get released from our burning of fossil fuels. They say that our current practices will continue , only increasing in time.

Compared to the rest of the electric devices currently in everyday use the air conditioner consumes a much larger amount of energy. Especially when most people keep the air conditioners running the entire summer, you can only imagine how many fossil fuels are being used. Whenever your air conditioner is running at full power weather you realize it or not your contributing in a small way to global warming. If we attempt to get an idea of all the power consumed by our air conditioners across the country it would be something around half percent of the total energy that is used by the United States. This seems like it would be a pretty small number but the problem is even half percent can make a large contribution to the problem of global warming.

Another problem most people wouldn’t realize that we’re dealing with is that the consumption of energy means that the release of the greenhouse gases are not the same all over the country. So, until the day we can use alternative, more sustainable forms of energy in a wide scale, turning on the air conditioning Williamsburg Va will always mean that the earth will be negatively affected. The only way to limit the damage is by using high energy efficient air conditioners which require less power to run, and to keep the use of the air conditioner to the minimum level possible.

Energy Star, a governmental measure of a machine’s ability to conserve energy, has recognized the iQ Drive Split System Air-Conditioner as one of the most energy efficient air conditioning system, which achieves up to 24.5 SEER (a technical acronym that quantifies the machine’s energy efficiency). So for the environmentally conscious, a split-system air conditioner may be the best option available. To learn more about these ac systems, Click Here. A-1 American Services proudly offers this kind of air conditioner system, as well as countless others to suite your home and family’s unique needs.


A-1 American provides Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing Services, like Heating Repair for homes and businesses in the Hampton Roads Virginia cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton and north into Williamsburg. A-1 American provides emergency service and repair, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. A-1 American charges by the job, not by the hour. A-1 American prides itself on immediate response, punctuality, courtesy and customer satisfaction. Call today 757-425-2400