Indoor Air Quality - Peace of Mind, Safety and Comfort

AC and refrigeration units are very complex and delicate devices and if installed improperly the damages caused from a fire, electrical malfunction or explosion could impact your wallet and pose as a serious threat to your well being. Handling these apparatuses with care and patience is essential for a proper […]

A-1 American Plumbing Saves You Money

A-1 American Plumbing Saves You Money!         Sometimes the unfortunate thing about life is that it is unpredictable. This is especially evident when it comes to your plumbing, heating and air conditioning units. You never know when your furnace or heating pump will break down. That time might be […]

Air Conditioner Thievery on the Rise (Protect Your Home)

If you pay close attention to the news circuits you’ll notice that there are typical at least one or more cases of air conditioning theft a week. Most of these go unreported unfortunately. Why are these thieves all a sudden targeting air conditioning units? It’s because the condenser’s copper tubing inside […]