Indoor Air Quality - Peace of Mind, Safety and Comfort

AC and refrigeration units are very complex and delicate devices and if installed improperly the damages caused from a fire, electrical malfunction or explosion could impact your wallet and pose as a serious threat to your well being. Handling these apparatuses with care and patience is essential for a proper […]

Before Calling for Air Conditioning Repair

 Before Calling For Air Conditioning Repair     Before calling for Air Conditioning Repair Virginia Beach Company, you can check a few things first!   It happens to all homeowners at one time or another. You come home and the cool air you were expecting is just not there. Instead, […]

The Dangers of Huffing and Your Air Conditioner - Part 2

The Dangers of Huffing and Your Air Conditioner - Part 2 How to Lock Your A/C Unit In our previous blog “The Dangers of Huffing and Your Air Conditioner”, we defined Huffing as the term used for sniffing and inhaling a solvent. We talked about the serious symptoms and dangers, including […]

What is Heat Index?

What is Heat Index and Why is it Important to You? Did you know that Heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year? What is a Heat Index and why don’t all the weather forecasters just tell us the […]

The Dangers of Huffing and Your Air Conditioner

What is huffing? Why? Huffing is the term used for sniffing and inhaling a solvent. It’s extremely dangerous and poisonous, and can lead to death, even the first time. The most common solvent is a refrigerant called Freon. It is the trade name for a class of chemicals that makes things […]