Free, Fast Ways to Stay Cool in Hot Weather

Keep Cool While You Wait For A-1 to arrive!

For 27 years, A-1 American Services has been supplying the Hampton Roads region with quality air conditioning experts to repair their broken AC units as quickly and effectively as possible. We are the premier Virginia Beach HVAC company, being awarded “Best of the Best” two years in a row, so you can feel safe knowing only hard-working, experienced, and friendly technicians will be sent to your home.

When you call us , we’ll be there very quickly. However, under unusual circumstances such as a heat wave, or if we receive your call at night or during the holidays, it may take some time to get to your home by our professional technicians. Because of this waiting period, we have compiled a list of important steps to take to stay cool in hot weather.

Hot weather isn’t just bothersome. It can be lethal. Each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control , 675 people die each year from heat exhaustion and other “heat-related complications.” That’s why we think our guide to staying cool is so important. In it, you’ll find some well-known and some lesser-known ways to keep you and your family cool and safe in hot weather.

Temporary Cooling Tips and Techniques

This guide can also be used by people who have a working air conditioning system, but who wish to save money by not having to run their air conditioning all summer long. Without further ado, here is our list of the top 7 ways to stay cool in hot weather:

How to Stay Cool Until A-1 American Arrives

1) Dress Lightly and Loosely

Believe it or not, your attire has a big impact on your body’s ability to fight the heat. Loose-fitting clothing allows the wind to cool you off, carrying heat with it as it leaves your clothes. Even if you don’t have the benefit of a strong breeze, loose-fitting clothing will still allow standing air to circulate heat away from your body. Try to dress in warm colors, like white, tan, and yellow. These brighter colors reflect the sun’s rays, while darker colors absorb the sun’s rays more quickly. Cotton keeps people cooler than any other fabric type. If you wear a hat, apply cold water to the inside brim of the hat and enjoy the relief it brings.

Proper attire for a hot day also includes the proper footwear choice. Sandals are ideal, providing the most airflow of any shoe type while still giving you protection against nails and other street debris. If you decide to wear sneakers, for a game of tennis, say, remember to always wear socks, particularly ones that wick away moisture.

2) Stay Out of the Sun

While this tip may seem obvious, it is one that people forget, and is one of the first and most important steps to take in cases of hot weather. Places that get direct sunlight are to be avoided; shaded spots, like those under a tree or a roof, are generally at least 15 degrees cooler than sun-lit spots. The hottest times of the day are between 10 and 4, so any outside activities like play or yard work should be confined to hours outside that time period.

The elderly and small children are the most at risk for heat overexposure, so take special care of them. A swimming pool can be very refreshing on a hot day, but remember to wear sunscreen because the sun is beating down on you the entire time. Also take note that sunburnt skin is less effective at releasing heat from the body.

3) Cooling Your Pulse Points

This is one of my favorites. By applying cold temperatures to your veins and arteries, you can circulate cooled blood throughout your entire body. One way to do this is by putting your wrists under a cold water tap. Do this once an hour for about a minute and a half each time. Focusing on the veins and arteries in the face and neck is another method of cooling your pulse points. This can be accomplished by splashing water on your face or by applying a wet washcloth to the forehead and neck.

4) Eat Less and More Frequently

It takes your body more energy to digest large, protein-packed meals, which increases your metabolic activity, which increases your internal temperature. Digestion of this type and amount of food also causes water loss. Avoid feasting during extreme weather, and instead take just 5 or 6 small meals a day. Choose foods like salads and fruit, which are not only easier to digest, but which also contain large amounts of water to keep you hydrated.

5) Keep Cool While You Sleep

Many people find it difficult to sleep when it’s warm, even hot, inside their home. Fortunately, nightly sweating and restlessness at bedtime can be avoided with these clever techniques. There are two main ways to keep cool at night and thus fall asleep quickly. The first method involves filling hot water bottles with ice-cold water, then applying the bottles to the ankles and the backs of the knee. The second trick is one I plan to use myself this summer. Put your sheets into a plastic bag and throw them into the freezer (or refrigerator) for several hours. When you take them out of the freezer and put them back on your bed, you’ll notice the cooling sensation immediately.

6) Stay Hydrated

Combating dehydration is a constant battle when it’s hot outside. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, even if you’re not thirsty. Once thirst develops, dehydration has already begun. Some people find it helpful to keep a bottle of water semi-frozen in the freezer to take with them as they go about their day. As the hours pass, you will continue to have a source of cold water. Sport drinks can be helpful in replacing electrolytes, but aren’t necessary. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which take water out of your body. The best way to monitor your hydration level is to check the color and frequency of urination. Lots of bathroom breaks and clear urine are signs that your body has enough water.

7) Go to a Public Place with Functioning Air Conditioning

Large commercial buildings such as shopping malls and big retailers keep their spaces nice and cool to attract and keep customers. Take advantage of these spots; it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever be asked to leave a large establishment for sitting down and resting. If you want to have a little more fun or if you have the kids with you, visit skating rinks or water parks for relief. The movie theater is another great place to go to get over two hours of cool temperatures.

8) Preventing Air Conditioning System Failure in the Future

Even though the previous tips to keep cool are effective, they are temporary solutions. Eventually you’ll want your air conditioner back up and running, cooling the indoors. To prevent future situations of having to keep cool using quirky methods and techniques, practice preventative maintenance on your HVAC systems (such as air conditioning). Check out our guide on HVAC preventative maintenance for easy-to-do procedures.

For quality air conditioning services anywhere in Hampton Roads, call A-1 American Services 24/7 at 757-425-2400, or request air conditioning repair or new AC installation information by using our contact form.


A-1 American provides Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing Services, like Heating Repair for homes and businesses in the Hampton Roads Virginia cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton and north into Williamsburg. A-1 American provides emergency service and repair, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. A-1 American charges by the job, not by the hour. A-1 American prides itself on immediate response, punctuality, courtesy and customer satisfaction. Call today 757-425-2400