Spring Cleaning - Are You Ready?

spring-cleaningAs the winter slowly releases its hold and Punxsutawney Phil ventures out of his burrow (or not!), all thoughts turn to budding flowers, fluffy chicks, warm weather, and… spring cleaning. Yep, it’s almost that time of year again, so get ready to open all the windows, breathe in that fragrant spring air, and banish the winter doldrums from your home.

With just a bit of planning and organization, this year’s big spring clean will be more manageable — and satisfying — than ever! Our handy checklist will help you prepare your home for warmer days by making the inside as fresh as it is outdoors.

Where to Start?

The spring cleaning process starts with a pencil and a few sheets of paper — or a word processor, if you’re so inclined. Create a to-do list on a separate sheet of paper for each room of your home. Of course, in each room, you’ll want to do general cleaning tasks, like dusting all the surfaces, cleaning the windows, and vacuuming/scrubbing the floors — that’s a given — but you’ll also want to tackle those deep cleaning tasks that are all too easy to ignore during the rest of the year. Start with our deep spring cleaning suggestions, below.

Once your to-do lists are complete, hang each sheet of paper on the door of its respective room. As you complete a task, check it off the list — not much feels more satisfying that seeing that row of check-marks as you survey your sparkling clean room! Remember, it doesn’t matter which room you tackle first, but concentrating on one task at a time is key, says domestic guru Martha Stewart.


  • Vacuum the walls and ceilings to remove dust, then use a solvent-free degreasing cleaner to wipe down all the surfaces and remove any residue that’s built up over a year of cooking.
  • Polish your floor with a wax that’s specially designed for your type of flooring, whether that’s vinyl, linoleum, tile or stone.
  • Turn off the power to your fridge and take the grill off the bottom to expose the coils. Use your vacuum cleaner’s smallest attachment to get the dust out; alternately, use a refrigerator coil cleaning brush.
  • Soak the metal filter from your range hood in hot, soapy water or run it through your dishwasher to remove any built-up grease.
  • Empty your drawers, clean the insides, and replace and reorganize the contents.
  • Descale your coffee maker.
  • Vacuum the tracks in your windows and clean the blinds or curtains.
  • Dust the light fixtures.
  • Clean and replace grout lines in tile.
  • Run a cleaning cycle in your dishwasher.


  • Empty all your drawers and cabinets, clean the insides, and replace and reorganize the contents.
  • Throw out any expired health or beauty products.
  • Scrub and wax your tub or shower.
  • Remove the toilet seat and clean around the bolts. This will also help you get a close look to see if there are any toilet repairs that may need to be made.
  • Reapply any grout or caulk lines.
  • Dust light fixtures.
  • Clean the mirrors.
  • Wash floor rugs and toilet covers.


  • Empty drawers, wipe down the insides, and replace/reorganize contents.
  • Go through your closet and donate items you haven’t worn in more than a year or that no longer fit.
  • Move your bed, remove anything that’s accumulated under it, and vacuum/clean the floor. Flip your mattress, sprinkle it with baking soda and then vacuum it thoroughly.
  • Take comforters and pillows to the cleaner.
  • Dust ceiling fan blades and air vent registers.
  • Clean and dust blinds and lampshades.
  • Wash curtains and rugs.

Dining Room

  • Dust and wipe down chairs and table surfaces.
  • Remove and wash chair cushions.
  • Wash curtains.
  • Dust blinds or lampshades.
  • Wax or polish the table.

Living Room/Family Room

  • Vacuum or spot clean the sofa.
  • Move the sofa and vacuum under and behind it.
  • Wash throw pillows and curtains.
  • Dust blinds, lampshades and ceiling fans.
  • Make sure to replace any filters for your heating and air system and thoroughly clean all related vents
  • Carefully dust and clean the TV screen and electronics.
  • Go through your books, magazines, DVDs, and music; donate what you don’t want and dust and organize the rest.
  • Clean throw rugs.
  • Dust ceiling fan blades.
  • Polish or wax wood furniture.

Though this list may seem daunting, simply take it one step at a time, completing each task before moving on to the next. Once you’ve finished all the tasks in one room, it’s time to move on to the next. With just a bit of planning and elbow grease, your home will be fresh and sparkling clean this spring.

In addition to overall spring cleaning, it is also a great time of year to have a professional come and inspect all of your major plumbing, heating and air units to ensure the cold weather hasn’t done damage that you have yet to see. Staying ahead will help you prevent any unwanted issues once the days really start to warm up and be sure you are prepared once the cold comes around again.