Military Spouse Seasonal Checklist

Military Spouse ChecklistMemorial Day is a time we remember those serving in the military and how tough the job really is. However, another difficult task, with minimal recognition, is that of a military spouse. Keeping the family healthy and the home in shape while your significant other deploys can be an immense undertaking. While every family and home will have different needs, following along with this simple checklist is one streamlined approach to keeping your house in good repair all year long.


In the winter, protecting your home from the cold and ice is key. Moreover, with more time spent inside, take the time to complete cleaning tasks that you may neglect throughout the year.


  • Check your home for any cracks or gaps that can cause energy loss and caulk or otherwise seal these.
  • Cover your central air conditioning unit and stow any window A/C units.
  • Put away garden tools and equipment for the season—making certain they are in good repair and ready for spring.
  • Check to make sure you have proper snow removal equipment, in case of inclement weather.
  • Use foam covers or other comparable items to cover all outside faucets to help prevent frozen pipes.


  • Clean or change furnace filters according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Clean your appliances, inside and out. Vacuum your refrigerator coils to prevent dust buildup.
  • During extended periods of cold weather, keep faucets dripping slowly to help avoid frozen pipes.


In the spring, focus on cleaning and freshening your home, as well as protecting it against springtime rain and wind.

Man Fixing Smoke AlarmOutdoors:

  • Clean gutters and downspouts as well as check them for repair issues.
  • Check your roof for damage.
  • Touch up paint.
  • Clean windows, inside and out.
  • Clean outdoor furniture.
  • Service lawn mower and other equipment.
  • Treat your lawn for weeds and/or fertilize it.


  • Test smoke detectors and change the batteries.
  • Set clocks forward on the correct day.
  • Wash and change bedding for the warm season ahead.
  • Clean kitchen cabinets and throw away any outdated food.
  • Dust shelves and blinds throughout the house.


Summer is a great time to work on your yard outside while trying to keep your home cool and comfortable inside.

Woman Mowing GrassOutdoors:

  • Prune trees as needed.
  • Mow grass regularly.
  • Treat your yard for insects and other pests.
  • Be sure to keep your outside heating and air unit clear of all debris including trimming any close shrubbery or plants.


  • Clean or change furnace filters according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Vacuum air conditioning vents to assure the best performance from your system.
  • Drain and flush your water heater. This can be a larger project so you may want to consider hiring a professional plumber to ensure this is done properly.


Falling leaves and dropping temperatures mean more work to do outdoors. Spending time working around the house in the fall can prevent serious repair issues.


  • Clean gutters and downspouts. Depending on the number and location of trees, this may need to be done multiple times.
  • Install storm windows (if necessary).
  • Remove hoses from outdoor faucets and turn off outdoor water if possible.
  • Clean and store outdoor furniture.
  • Rake leaves to prevent damage to grass.


  • Test smoke detectors and change batteries.
  • Set clocks forward on the correct day.
  • Have your furnace professionally inspected.
  • Wash and put out cold weather blankets and bedding.

As you can see, maintenance considerations exist in all four seasons. Staying on top of these and not falling behind is the key to preventing serious repair problems. With any luck, this checklist will improve your ability to care for your home during these stressful deployment periods. Keeping your family and pets in line—that is up to you!