Improved cooling and heating equipment protects your home as well as your wallet against rising energy costs. Improved equipment protects against energy costs in a lot of different ways Another great way to combat your heating and air conditioning bill is to better your practices. Your heating and cooling bill can accumulate to up to 43% of your monthly utility bill as well as account for more than 8% of all electricity produced in the U.S. With a total aggregate of $15 billion dollars in costs for the homeowners annually. As sun rays break through a window they become a slower heat wave becoming the number one reason a house gets heated. Improving your home equipment can be things like upgrading and going green to cost effective Geothermal Systems, or even just changing the way you do things around the house. Here are some information to get you started.
It’s a little known fact that one of the best way to prevent to much heat from entering your structure would be to plant various trees from 10-20 feet tall around your central AC Unit and windows of the property. If your AC is shaded than it will run more efficiently and will remain price affordable. We at A-1 American strive to provide cost effective heating and air conditioning systems. If your house remains unclothed or without a mesh screen than it remains more vulnerable to the suns heat. This type of protection can provide up to 70% more protection than without. Just make sure you keep it shut for your window screens to stay effective. You can always consult with your HVAC technician. For proper ventilation you could always invest in an inexpensive fans for your house. If you place them on the top level of your house and open the bottom ones than that will create an energy saving current. If your apartment only has one floor place them opposite of an open window. These tactics will help form a cleaner atmosphere evaporating humidity from the house and cooling yourself down quicker as well.
Also remember to leave your windows shut on heavily humid days. Another way to keep humidity at bay would be to set your fan on high unless that day is humid than switch your settings to low to allow the air to soak up the moister. Come talk to us about the best Newport news Va air conditioning system. Be sure to keep in mind that dark siding and roofing will keep the structure hotter preventing it from properly cooling down. Investing in light or “cool” colored shell for your house is another great money saving advantage. By reflecting the sun you actually help the plants around the property to prosper. Most important of all to keep heat and energy prices at bay would be to regularly check update and clean your systems. If your air filter is clogged than your systems performance is dampened.
Energy Savings Tips
1. Use Your Thermostat
When you turn up the temperature during the summer and turn it down during the winter your over working your thermostat as well as your wallet. It’s been recommended to set the air conditioner at 74 degrees and the furnace at 68 in order to keep your house comfortable while reducing your homes energy costs while decreasing your homes demand on the energy grid. It’s a good idea to get a programmable thermostat which would let you make the house hotter or cooler during periods when you aren’t home. Which reduces the temperature difference between the exterior and interior of the house, while also reducing the homes energy loss. It’s recommended to get a programmable thermostat, but if you don’t have one you can still get by with just manually adjusting your existing unit.
2. Home Electronics
Appliances and equipment which would be pretty much anything that you plug into a wall draws a large amount of power from your home while in use, and a small amount of power even when its not in use and turned off. It will make a big difference if you can become more conscious of when your not using them and make sure that your turning everything off and even unplugging it when you remember that it’s not being used.
3. Seal and Insulate
A well insulated home reduces the amount of money you spend on your heating and cooling bill. You should start by checking out your attic and if you can see floor joints. You should add more insulation. It doesn’t always have to be fiberglass you can even use old blankets, t shirts or newspapers and then will work just as good.
4. Change/Empty Your Filters
Changing the filter on your furnace on a frequent basis is also a great way to make a impact on your power footprint. Many furnace manufacturers recommend that you do it quarterly or even monthly to keep your unit working at its most highest efficiency.
5. Close the Doors and More
To make sure that your not wasting much energy, you should close every door in your house as quickly as possible. From the front door, to the garage and even the refrigerator. Closing the doors as quickly as possible and even doing small things like keeping your fireplace dampers shut when there not in use and closing the curtains at night will all team up together with the other practices to help conserve energy while preventing heat loss.
When your thinking of different ways to combat against the rising energy costs there are few things that come to mind other than the improved equipment as well as practices and what they potentially will do for your comfort and energy level. As well as taking time and headaches off your hands and putting more money into your pocket at the same time there are few things that stand up to the benefits you will potentially reap by taking the time to become educated in this often overlooked aspect of your everyday life.
A-1 American providing Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing Virginia Beach Services, like Furnace Repair Services for homes and businesses in the Hampton Roads Virginia cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton and north into Williamsburg. A-1 American provides emergency service and repair, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. A-1 American charges by the job, not by the hour. A-1 American prides itself on immediate response, punctuality, courtesy and customer satisfaction. Call today 757-425-2400 we hire some of the best plumbers Virginia Beach.