(757) 425-2400 Does my Air Conditioner need service?
1620 Centerville Tpke, Ste 113, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 11838 Rock Landing Dr, Ste 125, Newport News, VA 23606

When does my Air Conditioner need service?

Signs that an AC System is in need of service

Most homeowners don’t think about the maintenance of their air conditioning systems until it fails. We recommend getting a pre-summer check-up to tune-up your AC system to function properly when the hot weather arrives. Even the best air conditioning systems can develop problems over time, and there are warning signs to watch for. If you notice any of the following signs, your AC system may need service. It’s time to call A-1 Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning to bring your AC system back to peak performance.

The Age of your Air Conditioner
According to EnergyStar.gov, when an AC system is over 10 years old, the chances for problems and a break down rise increasing the need for repairs. When your AC system is at such an age, to save money in the long run, you might consider upgrading to a more efficient air conditioning system.

Spike in Utility Bills
Home owners with older AC systems, have lower SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) than ratings the newer units. The SEER rating measures an air conditioner’s efficiency of cooling and the energy it uses. If you find your energy bills are increasing, it might be because your AC system is hard-pressed to meet your cooling demands.

Uneven Cooling
In some instances, a struggling air conditioning system can no longer adequately cool all the rooms in a house. The rooms farthest from the air conditioning unit end up much warmer from the rest of household.

Signs of Moisture
You may find condensation on or near your AC unit. As aging components no longer operate at optimal performance; the system can no longer remove moisture properly. There may be a clog from a freeze-up in your unit interfering with its cooling performance, or water can over flow in the drip pan.

Frequent Repairs
An AC unit which needs numerous repairs can get very expensive, and getting replacement parts for an older machine may become ever increasingly difficult and take longer to fix.

If your air conditioning unit has more than one of these symptoms, it may be a clue that you will soon need a replacement. A-1 Plumbing can give you a free estimate on an upgrade based on the demands of your household, and help you select the best AC system for your home. Call us for a maintenance tune-up to make sure your AC system runs strong during the summer months.

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