Why Does it Get Cold in Virginia Beach? Winter Plumbing Tips

Why Does it Get Cold in Virginia Beach? Winter Plumbing Tips

Why Does it Get Cold in Virginia Beach?

Winter Plumbing Tips

For most, Virginia Beach is synonymous with hotels, beach chairs, bikinis, and bicycles on the boardwalk. Most of the time, this is an accurate picture of the city. However, unlike the beaches of Florida or some place in the Caribbean, Virginia Beach gets cold in the wintertime. This is due to a combination of factors.

Virginia Beach, and the entire Hampton Roads area, is much farther away from the equator than most other famous summer-time hotspots. The warmth received by the sun is concentrated more at the equator than at the northern and southern poles, creating warmer climates. This is because the Earth is slanted on an axis, causing the sunlight nearer to the poles to be more spread out than at the equator.

In other words, winter happens when Earth’s axis is pointed away from the sun, and Virginia Beach is affected more than Florida or the Caribbean because it’s getting the more spread-out sunlight. In our harshest winters, massive cold fronts also contribute to the frigid weather. Cold fronts, explains Brent McRoberts of Texas A&M University , can cause a 15 degree drop in temperature in under an hour! Just ask a local, Virginia Beach has had its share of ferocious winters. This means that plumbing Virginia Beach has to endure heavy extremes sometimes.

Winterizing Your Home

Now you can impress your friends when they ask: why does it get so cold in Virginia Beach?! More importantly for homeowners in Virginia Beach and the Hampton Roads area, though, is the knowledge that they need to prepare their house for a winter unfit for play at the beach. Proper heating and air conditioning Virginia Beach residents will find, may be a difficult goal to achieve in this kind of unpredictable weather. Getting your home, especially the plumbing, ready for a cold winter is what we in the industry call winterization. A busted water pipe is the last thing somebody wants when they’re snuggled in by the fire with loved ones and some hot cocoa.

So, is your house, and more importantly its plumbing, ready for a harsh winter? Our guide, “Is my Plumbing Ready for Winter?” can walk you through the steps. If something does go wrong, though, you’ll need a professional; call A-1 American Services when you need the problem fixed right, and right away.

A-1 American Services offers emergency HVAC services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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