Q.Does A1 America Replace Water Heaters?
A.Yes! A1 America will handle the replacement of water heaters newport News . We will send out an authorized and licensed plumbing contractor to replace your water heater.
Q.How do I know when to replace my water heater?
A.Age is one of the easiest ways to determine if a replacement is indeed necessary. When your water heater is over 10 years old you may want to call A1 America and have an expert perform a evaluation of your equipment. If your water heaters norfolk is only giving you one hot shower an hour, or is leaking these are two indicators of failure. Other signs would be noisy operation, slow recovery, calcium buildup and the obvious no hot water. With either one of these problems you can call us at A1 America to help you.
Q.Do I have a high recovery water heater?
A.There are two ways to determine if your water heater is high recovery. First off if it has more than 40,000 BTU input , and secondly the ID plate will state high or fast recovery.
Q.How do I find out what BTU my gas water heater is?
A.This is always noted on the manufactures ID plate usually on the side of the water heater. Make sure that your not looking at the big yellow sticker which shows the energy efficiency, but it’s the smaller plate and if you look closely you’ll see the gallons, serial number and BTUS.
Q.What does Energy Factor mean?
A.Energy efficiency Factor is abbreviated EEF. This is the indicator of your water heaters thermal efficiency and stand by efficiency. EEF ratings are used to determine the availability of efficiency rebates which are always subject to change.
Q.What does water heater draw efficiency mean?
A.Draw efficiency means the quality of hot water available to the homeowner before the outlet water temperature decreases 25 degrees F.
Q.What does a water heaters Thermal Efficiency mean?
A.When your talking about a water heaters Thermal Efficiency this is referring to the amount of generated BTUs which enter the water and the percentage of the total BTU passing out through the vent pipe. BTU is the abbreviation of British Thermal Unit which is the heat required to raise 1 pound of water one degree F.
Q.How long does a water heater last?
A.This is a very hard question to answer because it depends so heavily on the quality of the water as well as the quality of the water heaters Virginia Beach, but Water heaters typically last between 10 and 12 years.
Q.My temperature and pressure relief valve is weeping, what could be the problem?
A.You might have a defective T&P valve or your water company might have installed a meter with a check valve. Higher water pressure sometimes causes this problem. A A1American Service Tech can come to your home and diagnose the problem.
Q.After the first hot shower the next one is cold, what is the problem?
A.The recovery rate of your water heater seems to be too slow, and the size of your tank is too small. If theres enough space at the location of your tank you should increase the size. You might also want to instal a high recovery water heater since those are specifically designed to heat faster.
A-1 American provides air conditioning, heating and plumbing services to homes and businesses in the Hampton Roads Virginia cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton and north into Williamsburg. A-1 American provides emergency service and repair, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. A-1 American charges by the job, not by the hour. A-1 American prides itself on immediate response, punctuality, courtesy and customer satisfaction. Call today 757-425-2400