Generally speaking, a plumbing emergency involves serious water damage. When a plumbing system fails, it’s typically not an easy thing to fix, and little time passes before serious damage is done. The sooner the problem is addressed, the less costly it will be.
Immediate Things To Do
The moment you think your plumbing system is failing, you should locate the main water valve and turn it off. This will cut off all water to your house and stop water from continuously leaking or blasting, depending on the scenario from wherever the problem has originated.
The next step is to call a professional plumber that offers emergency plumbing repair. A-1 American services all of Hampton Roads, and we have more than 25 years of experience doing this type of work. We’re the trusted specialists for 24-hour emergency plumbing in the region.
Once you have called a plumber, try to dry out the plumbing disaster area as soon as you can. Even if it requires you to use a wet vac, bail water or drain it through holes in the wall or flooring, you must dry out water before it begins to seep into your home’s wooden structure. Due to a process called wicking, as soon as wood gets wet it begins to absorb and spread that water. This can lead to wood decay, and often creates mold. Don’t just cross your fingers and hope for the best in this situation. You should even cut away dry wall or flooring if necessary to ensure that everything is completely dry. You can also open windows and turn on fans to keep air circulating. This will aid in the drying process. A water meter should be used, if possible, to check carpets for moisture buildup as well.
Why Does Plumbing Fail?
As time goes on, most things eventually fail. When you’re talking about plumbing systems, pipes will begin to crack or warp, gaskets will leak, or clogs will form and cause some sections to overflow. Routine maintenance and replacement of parts can assist in the lifespan of your plumbing system. Having a plumber fix a minor leak now can prevent a plumbing failure and emergency later.
One of the biggest problems that cause issues with Plumbing Systems is the change of temperature that can either cause parts to warp or crack, or extremely cold temperatures which cause the water in pipes to freeze. Regular checks of your plumbing systems can save you a lot of time and money later on. Choosing the highest quality emergency plumbing Virginia Beach company has to offer, A-1 American Services, to regularly check your plumbing is a great idea.
Modern Plumbing Alternatives
As technology continues to advance, new materials are being used for piping and parts that weren’t previously available when most homes were built. PEX piping, for example, is a cheaper and more efficient form of piping that requires fewer parts. That means there’s a smaller chance that things can go wrong. PEX piping is more durable than most metal and copper pipes, which are the more common materials used. Replacing old materials with new materials is a great way to reduce the chance of a water damage catastrophe. For trusted plumbing in Virginia Beach, call an experiences and reliable company to do this type of work. Amateur plumbing companies and plumbers may actually make the problem worse.
Preventative Maintenance
Allowing water to drip slowly during extremely cold temperatures can reduce the likeliness of water freezing in your pipes. Replacing gaskets can decrease the chance of small leaks forming. Always be sure to turn off the main water valve before any maintenance is performed.
If you don’t know where the main water valve cut-off is, now is the time to find it. If you wait until there’s a plumbing emergency, you’ll lose precious time in minimizing water damage.
If you do have a plumbing emergency, call A-1 American right away. We have qualified plumbers in Virginia Beach, Newport News, Chesapeake, Norfolk and the entire Hampton Roads area who are on call after-hours, on weekends and even on holidays to handle calls promptly and efficiently.