Polybutylene Pipe Virginia Beach Public Enemy #1

Dangers of Polybutylene PipePolybutylene Pipe Virginia Beach Public Enemy #1

From 1978 to 1995, Polybutylene piping was installed in millions of homes by plumbing contractors and builders because it was a cheaper alternative than copper. The piping was produced under the names Qest, Thermoguard and FlexTemp. Virginia Beach plumbing has been under siege from busted PB pipe bursts for a while now. As far north as Newport News and Hampton have experienced problems with this Polybutylene piping. This is why we’ve deemed Polybutylene pipe Virginia Beach’s Public Enemy #1.

In under ten years, homeowners started noticing problems with their Polybutylene Pipes.

  • Over time, changes in temperature would cause the piping to expand and contract, creating holes.
  • Poly-B pipes, an abbreviation, were also susceptible to the slight amount of chlorine in your house’s water supply Trace amounts are left over from the local water treatment facility.
  • Lastly, the oxidation of its brass fittings weakened the piping.


In May of 1995, Shell Oil Corp. was forced to set up a $1.1 Billion dollar fund, one of the biggest consumer settlements in history, to allocate funds for damages caused by the Poly-B pipes. Under the terms, Shell would have to pay 10% towards the re-plumbing of the house/damages.

Unfortunately for homeowners today, this settlement ended on May 09, 2009. This means the class action suit will no longer be of any help to those of us with leaking Poly-B pipes.

DamageWater damage

Polybutylene Pipe was used in many neighborhoods in Virginia Beach and the surrounding Hampton Roads cities. For many, the damage was extensive and happened with no warning. Because most pipes are behind walls, problems with Poly-B piping may cause serious damage. Your plumbing contractor will likely have to pull out or at least expose parts of walls and floors in order to reach the plumbing. Have Polybutylene pipe? Then call A-1 American Services today at (757) 425-2400 to schedule a technician to come out to your home and take a look. We are the polybutylene pipe Virginia Beach experts.


Besides causing direct water damage from the leaking Poly-B pipes , homeowners may find themselves face to face with a serious mold problem. Along with detrimental effects to the home’s structural foundation, mold brings with it a recognizable stench and can cause health problems. It is important NOT to fan moist areas out yourself as you will likely succeed only in spreading the spores around your house.

Keep an Eye out for these Signs

Signs of water damage from Poly-B piping include this dank smell, as well as, some parts of the floor warping or bulging. It is important to note, however, that when Poly-B piping sections DO burst or collapse, it is most often “out of the blue”. That means it happens without any warning at all. That’s why it’s important to contact a professional Virginia Beach plumber or any of its surrounding cities at A-1 American Services right away to check to make sure your pipes are safe.

Know About Your Pipes

It is important to know the kind of piping used in your home, and to be aware of the potential damage that can come from Polybutylene Pipe. If you are buying a home, the home inspector can tell you if you have this type of piping. You can try having the home price adjusted to reflect the cost of replacing existing Poly-B piping.

Call today for 24/7 Emergency Service for Virginia Beach Pipe Repair.

A-1 American Services can replace your plumbing pipes!

Southside 757-425-2400 Peninsula 757-595-9900 Williamsburg 757-565-1900.


Sources: inspection-perfection.com/polybutylene-plumbing-waiting-to-burst.html; www.polybutylene.com/poly.html; contractormisconduct.org/index.cfm/1,73,222,html?CaseID=1035


Contact the plumbing contractors and service technicians at A-1 American Services and find out how to have your Polybutylene Pipe replaced.

A-1 American Services has plumbing contractors servicing the Hampton Roads Virginia cities of Norfolk, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Newport News, Hampton, Portsmouth, Suffolk and north into Williamsburg. Our experts can examine your plumbing and give you options to replace your Polybutylene Pipe.

Call today! Southside 757-425-2400 Peninsula 757-595-9900 Williamsburg 757-565-1900.