Converting from Oil to Gas or Electric Heat

Call A-1 American Services to put in a new, efficient gas or electric heating system. Converting from an oil furnace to gas or electric heat can save you thousands a year!

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Save by Converting from Oil to Gas or Electric Heat

Benefits of Converting from Oil to Gas or Electric Heat

If you have an oil burning furnace, A-1 American Services can fix your system or install a new one. There are, however, other options you can consider that are more efficient and have long-term cost savings. These options include converting your home to natural gas or electric heating systems.

Oil heat can be an expensive way to keep your family warm in the winter. In addition to the expense, oil heating systems can bring with them other challenges that create a less than desirable choice for your home and the environment.

  • Oil furnaces can be noisy.
  • They are less efficient.
  • It’s only used for part of the year, when the weather is cold.
  • It may hurt the resale value of your home, since oil in considered an outdated, non-eco-friendly heat source.
  • There is risk for carbon monoxide poisoning and oil leaks.

A customer sent us their utility bill numbers to share proof of their savings after converting from oil to gas heat. With their new gas heating unit, they saved $442 year over year:

May through August Fuel Costs:

  • 2012: $585
  • 2013: $143

That’s a savings of 75%.

Now let’s look at the cost of their oil burning heating system during the winter months:

November 2012 through March 2013 Oil Fuel Costs:

  • Fuel Oil: They spent $2,712!
  • While continuing to see a 76% savings, their gas bill was $678.

That’s a savings of about $2,000.

It’s never too early to teach your little ones about energy efficiency. Let our blog entitled “eTeach Your Kids ABut Energy Savings and How to Be Green” serve as a guide to teaching your kids about saving money through traditional methods, such as turning off lights not in use, and also about the importance of choosing energy-efficient devices over older models.

The Benefits of Converting and Oil Furnace to Gas

In order to convert to a natural gas system, you need to make sure that gas is available in your area. A-1 American Services can coordinate with the gas company to have a gas line run to your home. Gas systems are:

  • Flexible - Giving you options for other gas appliances, like water heaters, stoves and dryers.
  • Clean - Creating fewer greenhouse emissions and considered the cleanest burning fossil fuel.
  • Efficient - Providing uninterrupted service since it is delivered through an underground pipeline.

The Benefits of Converting Oil to Electric

A heating system powered by electricity can come in the form of a heat pump or electric baseboard. In the Hampton Roads market, heat pumps are more common. With electric heat:

  • You already have electricity coming into your home. There’s no need to have a line brought into your home.
  • You have choices. Simply select a heat pump or electric baseboard heat.
  • Your operating costs will be lower over the long term.
  • There’s nothing burning, so you won’t have the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or oil leaks from your heating unit.

Replacing your existing oil burning system can be confusing, and it’s often an unexpected expense. The trained technicians at A-1 American Services can help you navigate through the choices and make a recommendation on updating your heating to electric for your Virginia Beach home. Keep in mind that there are up-front costs to converting to a new system source, but the savings over the first few months can exceed the cost.

Average Relative Yearly Fuel Costs Per Heat Source

  • Average Savings from Converting from an Oil Furnace to Gas or Electric HeatInefficient Oil Heat………………………$1,774
  • Efficient Oil Heat………………………..$1,603
  • Electric Heat……………………………..$1,154
  • Old Natural Gas………………………….$711
  • Standard Natural Gas…………………..$627
  • Efficient Natural Gas…………………….$561
  • Standard Heat Pump…………………….$566
  • Efficient Heat Pump……………………..$437
  • Ductless Heat Pump……………………..$394


If you need heating repair or replacement and are looking for heating contractors in Virginia Beach or anywhere in Hampton Roads, you can count on A-1 American Services for fast 24-7 emergency service. Call 757-324-5337 for details.

Photo source: stockimages and dream designs