A-1 American Understands the Civilian-Military Dynamic


A-1 American Understands the Civilian-Military Dynamic

A-1 American Understands the Civilian-Military Dynamic

Some people mistakenly believe that A-1 American Services’ marketing of its patriotism is empty words, meant to “drum up” business without substance to back it up. For example, in our many advertisements, some of which you must have seen, we reiterate the fact that “we’re not just A-1, we’re A-1 American.” At A-1 American Services, we recognize the important and necessary, although sometimes complicated, relationship between civilian-military, and we try to thank both active and retired armed forces members for their service with special coupons, relationships with organizations that support returning troops, and more.

The founder and owner of A-1 American Services, Skip Savell, served his country in the Navy. He is proud to be an American, and A-1 American’s patriotism stems in part from his love of country and his appreciation for his freedoms and opportunities. Here are several facts about our active and retired armed forces that you may not know:

  • 9.2 million veterans are over the age of 65.
  • 1.9 million veterans are under the age of 35.
  • 1.8 million veterans are women.
  • 7.8 million veterans served during the Vietnam War era (1964-1975), which represents 33% of all living veterans.
  • 5.2 million veterans served during the Gulf War (representing service from Aug. 2, 1990, to present).
  • 2.6 million veterans served during World War II (1941-1945).
  • 2.8 million veterans served during the Korean War (1950-1953).
  • 6 million veterans served in peacetime.

A-1 American supports Wounded Wear and in fact has an intimate relationship with founder, Former LT Jason Redman.  Click Here to watch a video highlighting A-1 American Services’ relationship with Wounded Wear, and the importance of honoring the sacrifices our troops make defending our freedoms and even the freedoms of other countries. Support of military-minded organizations like Wounded Wear by civilian companies like A-1 American highlights an important example of the civilian-military dynamic.

Wounded Wear describes as its mission statement: “Wounded Wear’s mission is to raise the national awareness of the sacrifice of wounded warriors, their families, and the families of fallen service members. In support of this mission Wounded Wear advocates on behalf and facilitates opportunities for those who have sacrificed so much, as well as providing free fashionable clothing kits and modifications to wounded warriors that empower them to rediscover the hero within.” (WoundedWear.org)

More often than not, we take these freedoms for granted. In many, many countries, the freedoms Americans enjoy are nowhere to be found, and what is found instead is often oppressive non-democratic regimes, lead in at least some cases by tyrannical dictators. For example, recently several youth were detained in Iran by authorities for simply dancing in jubilee along to the new song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. It is not clear yet when nor if they will be released, nor if they are even allowed access to a lawyer. It is no wonder, really, that civilians in such “dictator-run” countries have little or no support for their military. Instead, riots and protests are a frequent sight. With a government and military focused much more on causes with moral integrity, it is to be expected that in the United States, civilian support of military endeavors are (although by no means fully) widely supported. This civilian-military dynamic is a unique feature of the United States.

Military intervention in countries which abuse the rights of their citizens, like Iran and Syria, are very complicated matters which are best left to Congress and the President of the United States. But the message which this author wishes to emphasize is that our men and women in uniform are doing very important work, work which we as citizens and as businesses should honor.

A-1 American Understands the Civilian-Military Dynamic

A-1 American Services honors our servicemen and women in a multitude of ways. Beyond our relationship with Wounded Wear, we offer an impressive discount on all Virginia Beach plumbing, heating, cooling, and water heater repairs to all active duty and retired military personnel. At A-1 American Services, we gladly stomach the losses in revenue incurred by this discount, because patriotism really does mean a lot to our company. We consider it part of our duty as both businessmen and civilians. We are the air conditioning Virginia Beach experts, so when your air conditioning breaks in the middle of the hottest day in summer, we’ll be there we you need us, as you were there when our country needed you.

Another discount we are proud to extend is our senior citizens’ discount. While many of our elderly did not participate directly in any war-time operations, their indirect support in many ways effected the outcome of battles. For example, food, gasoline and metal were rationed during World War II, in order that our military personnel could be better-equipped. In that way, elderly citizens made sacrifices of their own for the sake of U.S. victory. We offer a discount on plumbing Virginia Beach services, for example, to this elderly population.

It has been well-documented that civilian-military support has a positive effect on our troops’ morale when that support, whether it comes in the form of care packages or military discounts, to name a couple, is introduced to our active duty armed forces. At A-1 American Services we attempt to respect and honor both active and retired members of the US Armed Forces.





A-1 American provides air conditioning, heating and plumbing services, like Air Conditioning Repair & New Equipment Installation to homes and businesses in the Hampton Roads Virginia cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton and north into Williamsburg. A-1 American provides emergency service and repair, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. A-1 American charges by the job, not by the hour. A-1 American prides itself on immediate response, punctuality, courtesy and customer satisfaction. Call today 757-425-2400