Learning to live with your little differences is the key to building a successful relationship and a happy family life. This may mean dealing with a loved one snoring, making compromises on spending and determining meals that all family members will enjoy eating. However, one of the most difficult things […]
Category: Humor
5 Plumbing Fails from Movies and TV - Part 2

When you find yourself with a plumbing issue and decide to DIY, you may save a few dollars, but you put yourself in the position to make a big mess or cause a bigger problem. This has happened more than once on television or in the movies. Take a look […]
5 Plumbing Fails from Movies: Part 1

Going to see a movie or pulling out one of your favorite DVDs is a fun way to escape from day-to-day stresses. However, sometimes these movies contain a bit of stress themselves towards the characters in them at least! While you may hope to avoid big plumbing problems yourself (or […]
Common Husband Plumbing Repair Fails

Some men love to fix things. They’re DIY experts. Every woman should feel blessed to have such a man in the house. Then, there are some men believe they can fix things that need repair. They take on a project with either grumps or gusto, only to find - usually somewhere right […]
5 of the Worst Bathroom Mishaps

A large percentage of all residential plumbing work is done in the kitchen and bathroom. (The balance usually involves the water heater or outdoor plumbing). Here are the top five fails you might encounter in your bathroom. Oops! Overloaded Shower Caddy Many households use a shower caddy hanging over the […]