Air Conditioner Thievery on the Rise (Protect Your Home)

If you pay close attention to the news circuits you’ll notice that there are typical at least one or more cases of air conditioning theft a week. Most of these go unreported unfortunately. Why are these thieves all a sudden targeting air conditioning units? It’s because the condenser’s copper tubing inside […]

Heat Pump Basics for Dummies

The most experienced plumbers in Hampton Roads would like to introduce you to new, exciting heat pump technology. A heat pump operates much like an air conditioner in reverse. Heat Pumps pull heat from the air or ground and move it into your homes. Whether it’s heating or cooling, it […]

Teach Your Kids about Energy Savings

  Energy savings is about more than just saving money on your energy bills. There is a great personal gain that comes from conserving electricity to help our environment.   Teach Your Kids about Energy Savings and How to be Green! Energy Savings Chesapeake Va   Are you aware of […]

What is Heat Index?

What is Heat Index and Why is it Important to You? Did you know that Heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year? What is a Heat Index and why don’t all the weather forecasters just tell us the […]