One of the things many people take for granted is that when they decide to use the sink, the faucet will work as planned. Unfortunately, like any piece of equipment, faucets break. Additionally, deciding to replace a faucet can be a purely aesthetic decision too. If you find yourself dealing […]
Memorial Day is a time we remember those serving in the military and how tough the job really is. However, another difficult task, with minimal recognition, is that of a military spouse. Keeping the family healthy and the home in shape while your significant other deploys can be an immense […]
As the winter slowly releases its hold and Punxsutawney Phil ventures out of his burrow (or not!), all thoughts turn to budding flowers, fluffy chicks, warm weather, and… spring cleaning. Yep, it’s almost that time of year again, so get ready to open all the windows, breathe in that fragrant […]
When you purchase a home, you probably consider a number of factors, from the price to the school district, local amenities to property taxes. But there’s one thing you may not spend a lot of time thinking about: The water. It’s easy to understand — after all, most homes in […]
The wax ring underneath your toilet is what forms a protective barrier between the bottom of the toilet and the flange. If this seal becomes damaged or worn, you may start to notice either moisture around the base of your toilet or a strong sewer type smell. If this problem […]
The idea of saving on your utility bills in winter may be a bit traumatizing. After all, who wants to risk being cold just to save a few dollars? In actuality, you don’t have to sacrifice your warmth and comfort to help keep your energy bills low, if you are […]
You’ve moved into your new home right in the midst of winter weather settling in. You and your family are ready to settle back on the couch with warm blankets and hot mugs of cocoa to stay warm as the snow falls outside. Yet before you get too comfortable, there […]
You and your family need to stay warm in winter. While stoking up a nice camp fire works well on a camping trip, the easiest way to make sure your home stays warm is by using your heating system. Whether you have a furnace, a boiler or a heat pump, […]
As a mom, you have a big job taking care of your family and home. For many, this is something that must be done in addition to a full-time job, too. Because of this, you don’t have time to deal with those annoying little problems around the house. Preparing to […]
Dropping a toothpaste cap down the drain is simply a bit of annoyance. Losing a piece of costume jewelry the same way can ruin your day. However, dropping your wedding ring down the drain is a catastrophe. Not only is there the financial loss of a valuable piece of jewelry, […]