Spring Cleaning - Are You Ready?


As the winter slowly releases its hold and Punxsutawney Phil ventures out of his burrow (or not!), all thoughts turn to budding flowers, fluffy chicks, warm weather, and… spring cleaning. Yep, it’s almost that time of year again, so get ready to open all the windows, breathe in that fragrant […]

I Hate it When …


As a mom, you have a big job taking care of your family and home. For many, this is something that must be done in addition to a full-time job, too. Because of this, you don’t have time to deal with those annoying little problems around the house. Preparing to […]

Fewer Inconvenient and Expensive Service Calls

  How to Make Fewer Inconvenient and Expensive Service Calls and Lower HVAC costs   No one enjoys wasting their hard earned money on inconvenient and expensive heating, air conditioning or plumbing service calls. Here at A-1 American, we definitely do not want you to loose any of your time […]

Improved Equipment Protects Against Energy Costs

Improved cooling and heating equipment protects your home as well as your wallet against rising energy costs. Improved equipment protects against energy costs in a lot of different ways Another great way to combat your heating and air conditioning bill is to better your practices. Your heating and cooling bill […]

Indoor Air Quality - Peace of Mind, Safety and Comfort

AC and refrigeration units are very complex and delicate devices and if installed improperly the damages caused from a fire, electrical malfunction or explosion could impact your wallet and pose as a serious threat to your well being. Handling these apparatuses with care and patience is essential for a proper […]

Honor And Patronage At A-1 American Plumbing

Honor And Patronage At A-1 American Plumbing       Our name is A-1 American plumbing for a reason. On January 31, 2024 A-1 American was founded by two retired servicemen of the US Navy. The Navy had instilled various morals and ethics during our founders tenure. After their involvement with […]