When you find yourself with a plumbing issue and decide to DIY, you may save a few dollars, but you put yourself in the position to make a big mess or cause a bigger problem. This has happened more than once on television or in the movies. Take a look […]
In the coldest part of winter, you may need more than just your home’s normal heating system to keep you and your family warm. It is possible that you use a combination of your normal HVAC system as well as your fireplace (with either traditional wood or gas logs) or […]
You’ve moved into your new home right in the midst of winter weather settling in. You and your family are ready to settle back on the couch with warm blankets and hot mugs of cocoa to stay warm as the snow falls outside. Yet before you get too comfortable, there […]
You and your family need to stay warm in winter. While stoking up a nice camp fire works well on a camping trip, the easiest way to make sure your home stays warm is by using your heating system. Whether you have a furnace, a boiler or a heat pump, […]
As a mom, you have a big job taking care of your family and home. For many, this is something that must be done in addition to a full-time job, too. Because of this, you don’t have time to deal with those annoying little problems around the house. Preparing to […]
Going to see a movie or pulling out one of your favorite DVDs is a fun way to escape from day-to-day stresses. However, sometimes these movies contain a bit of stress themselves towards the characters in them at least! While you may hope to avoid big plumbing problems yourself (or […]
The cold weather is upon us and no matter how much we try and prepare for the cold weather, it often surprises us just how cold it becomes. When it’s frigid outside, you want to walk into your home and warm up instantly. Here are a few ways to keep […]
Dropping a toothpaste cap down the drain is simply a bit of annoyance. Losing a piece of costume jewelry the same way can ruin your day. However, dropping your wedding ring down the drain is a catastrophe. Not only is there the financial loss of a valuable piece of jewelry, […]
New homeowners face a variety of challenges, and one of those challenges is safety. In a home where everything is new to you, you’ll need to take the time to learn all about your home’s electrical and plumbing systems, and you should invest in some safety measures that will provide […]
Some men love to fix things. They’re DIY experts. Every woman should feel blessed to have such a man in the house. Then, there are some men believe they can fix things that need repair. They take on a project with either grumps or gusto, only to find - usually somewhere right […]