Air Conditioning Q&As

This page is intended to help guide the homeowner in all things air conditioner. From new purchases to advice on a/c repair, we attempt to address not necessarily the most frequently asked questions (we have a page for that, too) but instead some of the most important. Let’s get started.

Q: What is the newest type of air conditioning technology?

A: According to Scientific American, there are some very interesting and clever ways of advancing the field of air conditioning. Click the link!

Q: Are A-1 American Services’ technicians as qualified to install my new air conditioner as they are at performing repair duties?

A: Absolutely! And in many cases, the technician scheduled to come to your home has more than 5 years of experience in the field, meaning less mistakes and less interruption of your home activities and your family life.

Q: Can I get by on hot summer days without my Norfolk, Va air conditioning machine?

A: Well, first check out this page on free a/c tips. If you’re still unbearably hot after using those tips, then yes, you do need one.

Q: Would a new window-style A/C system or a new central air-conditioning system work best for my house?

A: 1) To begin with, your house has lots of different rooms, each with their own specifications. For your room over garage in Virginia Beach window-style air conditioners have been found to work best. This is because when originally designed, the room over the garage had fewer air vents installed in the construction process. NOTE: even when the window-style a/c system is used (even for a short period of time) it uses a considerably massive amount of electricity, eating up your fuel bill in the process.

2) This is why central cooling systems are so important. They push air throughout your home’s ductwork in much more efficient manner than that in which window units could ever provide. An A-1 American central air conditioning Virginia Beach residents can trust. Those are the only types A-1 American Services sells. Call us today (757) 425-2400 for honest, practical advice on which central A/C system is right for your family.

Q: How do I know I can trust A-1 American Services over their lesser-known competitors?

A: It’s fair question. We have over 25 years of experience doing HVAC work in the 757 (Hampton Roads)! If we had been doing shoddy work, or charging prices disproportional to our work expertise, we’d have been driven out of business in year one. We have also established alliances with businesses such as Wounded Wear, and we offer discounts to military families (all types)…so click the link! If that wasn’t enough to convince you…test out our work by making an appointment. We’ll show you, rather than tell you.

Air Conditioning Q&As

A-1 American provides air conditioning, heating and plumbing services to homes and businesses in the Hampton Roads Virginia cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton and north into Williamsburg. A-1 American provides emergency service and repair, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. A-1 American charges by the job, not by the hour. A-1 American prides itself on immediate response, punctuality, courtesy and customer satisfaction. Call today 757-425-2400