5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Toilet

Does your toilet run constantly or clog every few days? Are cracks and scuffs making it difficult to clean – or worse, causing a leak? Some issues are easy to fix, but others are a sure sign that your toilet has reached the end of its life. From water-wasting toilets to those that are cracked, clogged or worn, the following signs will help you decide when to fix the toilet and when to install a new toilet altogether.

  1. You’re Using Too Much Water

Water MeterAccording to the EPA, toilets account for as much as 27-percent of all household water use. If you have an older toilet – particularly one from the 1980s, before flush capacity was regulated, you could be using an enormous amount of water with every flush. Some of those older models use between 3.5 and 7 gallons per flush, while a modern toilet uses 1.6 gallons or less. If you want to maximize you water savings, look for a toilet with the WaterSense label. These toilets all use 1.28 gallons per flush or less without sacrificing performance.

In addition, if you find your toilet either runs constantly or runs on and off throughout the day, you may be dealing with a leaking toilet. This could mean several things, but it often an easy fix using parts or kits available at most local hardware stores.

  1. Your Toilet Clogs Regularly

Clogged ToiletIf you find that you need to use the plunger once a week or more, it might be time to replace your toilet. This is particularly common among toilets that were made in the early 1990s. These were the original “low flow” models, and while they saved water, they didn’t always have the flushing power needed to clear the bowl and keep the drain clean. Modern toilets use even less water than those older low-flow models yet have the flushing power needed to prevent clogs.

  1. Cracks and Scratches

On porcelain toilets, cracks and scratches are common and unfortunately, there are no good ways to repair them. Small cracks may not cause any issues aside from marring the clean look of your toilet, but if they grow larger, you may end up with a leaky toilet or even worse a flooded bathroom.

While scratches don’t present a hazard, they will make maintenance much more difficult. Once the smooth surface is worn away – usually after years of diligent scrubbing – dirt and grime will settle into the material underneath, which means you’ll spend more time scrubbing at pesky stains. Save yourself the hassle of potential leaks and hard-to-clean toilets by replacing them when they’re cracked or scratched.

  1. Mineral Buildups

Does it take your toilet forever to refill, or is the flapper refusing to seal despite multiple repairs? The problem could very well be a buildup of minerals. The fact is that the majority of the water supplies across the United States contain minerals. After years of use, the inlets around the rim of the bowl may be clogged with deposits, which lead to slow refill times. When these deposits gather around the drain at the bottom of the tank, it’ll be difficult if not impossible to make the flapper seal properly.

These deposits can sometimes be cleared away, but the job is time consuming and the removal process sometimes results in cracks and chips in the porcelain. In severe cases, you’ll find it’s easier and faster to simply replace the toilet.

  1. The Repairs are Costly

For the most part, the components inside a toilet tank are inexpensive to replace. However, some toilets do require hardware that is expensive, outdated or impossible to find. If you’re stuck in this situation, weigh the costs of future repair jobs and pricey hardware against the cost of a new toilet that features easily replaceable components. You may find that replacing the toilet itself is actually the least expensive solution.

In many instances, toilet replacement is the simplest and most cost-effective option. It’s a surprisingly small investment, but it comes with numerous advantages, including water savings, fewer maintenance concerns and improved performance. And remember, your plumbing experts at A-1 American are here to help, contact us today if you’re in need of a new toilet or toilet repairs.